The Oakley Lab
We are broadly interested in questions related to ecological and evolutionary genetics of plants. One primary focus in the lab is understanding the genetic basis of local adaptation and fitness tradeoffs across environments. As part of this work, we study the genetic basis of adaptive traits such as cold acclimated freezing tolerance. Another research interest is the consequences of genetic drift on adaptation and population persistence, using heterosis in between population crosses as a tool to infer the strength of drift in fixing partly recessive deleterious mutations. I also maintain an interest in the evolutionary maintenance of outcrossing in highly selfing species.
Our lab is located in LSPS 113/114
Contact info:
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology &
the Center for Plant Biology
Purdue University
915 Mitch Daniels BLVD (Lilly Hall)
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054
(765) 494-9644

Plant ecological and evolutionary genetics