Opportunities in the lab
Postdoctoral scholars
I do not have funding currently for another postdoctoral scholar in my lab. Please contact me if you are interested in pursuing independent funding.
Graduate students
If you are interested in discussing graduate opportunities with me please email me and indicate: your research interests; your specific interest in our lab (versus somewhere else); and your career goals. Please also include a copy of your CV with GPA. Note that the Botany and Plant Pathology Department at Purdue does NOT require the GRE. Please be advised that I am looking for highly motivated, independent students, and I strongly encourage prospective students to read through some of the papers on the publications page before contacting me.
I am part of the Integrative Plant Science Training Group in the PULSe Interdisciplinary Life Science program at Purdue. The program provides funding for the first year as students rotate through a few labs, giving students interdisciplinary exposure and training. The Center for Plant Biology is a vibrant community of plant scientists and a great place to do interdisciplinary research addressing big questions across different levels of biological organization.
Underaduate students
We have many opportunities for undergraduates in the lab. I welcome enquiries from students interested in independent research, either for credit (BTNY 49800), or just because they want to do science! We are also often looking for hourly research assistants.