Lee, G., B.J. Sanderson, B.P. Dilkes, J.K. McKay, J. Ågren, and C.G. Oakley. 2024. A large effect fitness trade-off is caused by a single mutation affecting cold acclimation. PNAS 121:e2317461121.
Link to associated commentary in PNAS
Soto, T.Y., N.A. Ryan, and C.G. Oakley. 2024. Relative energetic economy of cleistogamous selfing in three populations of the perennial Ruellia humilis. International Journal of Plant Sciences 185:32-41.
Oakley, C.G., D.W. Schemske, J.K. McKay, and J. Ågren. 2023. Ecological genetics of local adaptation in Arabidopsis: an 8-year field experiment. Molecular Ecology 32:4570-4583.
Soto, T.Y., J. D. Rojas-Gutierrez, and C.G. Oakley. 2023. Inbreeding depression, heterosis, and outbreeding depression in the cleistogamous perennial Ruellia humilis. American Journal of Botany 110:e16240.
Rojas-Gutierrez, J.D., G. Lee, B.J. Sanderson, M.I. Jameel, and C.G. Oakley. 2022. Genome-wide association analysis of freezing tolerance in soft red winter wheat. Crop Science 62:637-647.
Ellis, T.J., F.M. Postma, C.G. Oakley, and J. Ågren. 2021. Number of seeds per fruit, life history tradeoffs, and the genetic basis of fitness in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Ecology 30:2846-2858.
Sanderson, B.J., S. Park, M. I. Jameel, J. C. Kraft, M. F. Thomashow, D. W. Schemske, and C. G. Oakley. 2020. Genetic and physiological mechanisms of freezing tolerance in locally adapted populations of a winter annual. American Journal of Botany 107:1-12.
Oakley, C.G., S. Lundemo, J. Ågren, and D.W. Schemske. 2019. Heterosis is common and inbreeding depression absent in natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 35:592-603.
Price, N., B.T. Moyers, L. Lopez, J.R. Lasky, G. Monroe, J.L. Mullen, C.G. Oakley, J. Lin, J. Ågren, D.R. Schrider, A.D. Kern, and J.K. McKay. 2018. Combining population genomics and fitness QTLs to identify the genetics of local adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 115:5028-5033.
Oakley, C.G., L. Savage, S. Lotz, R. Larson, M.F. Thomashow, D.W. Schemske, and D.M. Kramer. 2018. Genetic basis of photosynthetic responses to low temperature in locally adapted population of Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany 69:699-709.
Ågren, J., C.G. Oakley, S. Lundemo, and D.W. Schemske. 2017. Adaptive divergence in flowering time among natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana: QTL mapping and estimates of selection. Evolution 71:550-564.
Mojica, J.P., J. Mullen, J.T. Lovell, C.G. Oakley, and J.K. McKay. 2016. Genetics of water use physiology in locally adapted Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Science 251:12-22.
Dittmar, E.D*., C.G. Oakley*, B.A. Gould, J.K. Connor, and D.W. Schemske. 2016. Factors influencing the effect size distribution of adaptive substitutions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283:20153065 *co-first authors
Oakley, C.G., J. P. Spoelhof, and D.W. Schemske. 2015. Increased heterosis in selfing populations of a perennial forb. AoB Plants 7:plv122
Oakley, C.G., J. Ågren, and D.W. Schemske. 2015. Heterosis and outbreeding depression in crosses between natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana. Heredity 115:73-82.
Oakley, C.G. 2015. The influence of natural variation in population size on ecological and quantitative genetics of the endangered endemic plant Hypericum cumulicola. International Journal of Plant Sciences 176:11-19
Oakley, C.G., J. Ågren, R.A. Atchison, and D.W. Schemske. 2014. QTL mapping of freezing tolerance: links to fitness and adaptive trade-offs. Molecular Ecology 23: 4304-4315.
PDF Supplementary info Data & R/qtl code
Dittmar, E., C.G. Oakley, J. Ågren, and D.W. Schemske. 2014. Flowering time QTL in natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana and implications for their adaptive value. Molecular Ecology 23: 4291-4303.
Ågren, J., C.G. Oakley, J.K. McKay, J.T. Lovell, and D.W. Schemske. 2013. Genetic mapping of adaptation reveals fitness trade-offs in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 110: 21077-21082.
Oakley, C.G. 2013. Small effective size limits performance in a novel environment. Evolutionary Applications 6: 823-831.
Oakley, C.G. and A.A. Winn. 2012. Effects of population size and isolation on heterosis, mean fitness, and inbreeding depression in a perennial plant. New Phytologist 196: 261-270.
Oakley, C.G. and A.A. Winn. 2008. Population and family level inbreeding depression in the cleistogamous perennial Viola septemloba. International Journal of Plant Sciences169: 523-530.
Oakley, C.G., K.S. Moriuchi, and A.A. Winn. 2007. The maintenance of outcrossing in predominantly selfing species: ideas and evidence from cleistogamous species. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 38: 437-457.
Non-peer reviewed publication
Oakley, C.G. 2015. The genetic consequences of small population size in the endangered plant Hypericum cumulicola (Small) P.B. Adams (Hypericaceae). Palmetto: The Quarterly Journal of the Florida Native Plant Society 31:4-7.
For the most up to date list of publications please see my Google Scholar Page