Kessler Lab Photo Album

Exploring the Tucson area before the ICSPR meeting in March, 2016

The Kessler Lab at the University of Oklahoma, Spring, 2015

        Fall, 20016

Getting to work in our new lab at Purdue University!

First PhD defense from the Kessler Lab!  Congratulations, Dr. Daniel S. Jones!!!



2018 Pre-College Molecular Ag Summer Institute (PC-MASI) students hard at work conducting pollen germination experiments!


2018 Posters at the ICSPR in Gifu, Japan and the Midwest Plant Cell Dynamics Meeting in Madison, WI

Yan, Jing, and Sharon in the Forbidden City in Beijing, June 2018

2019 Congratulations to Dr. Jing Yuan for finishing her PhD!

November, 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Daniel Jones for completing his PhD at the University of Oklahoma!

Yan at 2019 ASPB

2019 Hotpot party to celebrate Rachel Flynn's Master's defense.  Congratulations, Rachel!

Kessler Lab in Summer, 2019

Vaccinated Kessler Lab together again in May, 2021!

2020-21: The Year of Zoom Lab Meetings and Social Distancing